OMİD Topdansatış Mərkəzi - 1


MEGASIL can be used as a top coat on interior facades of buildings, on surfaces previously painted with water-based paints, on any type of surface used for plastering or plaster. Before applying MEGASIL, the surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt and oil, the bulging parts must be repaired, and the surface must be dry. New plastered surfaces should wait 4 weeks before painting. If salting occurs on the plastered surface, after cleaning the surface with a damp machine brush, apply 1 gauge FABKIM HYDROSTOP (500), dissolved in the same amount of water with a brush and wait 24 hours. Black plastered surfaces should be washed with a layer of FABBINDER solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7 (1 ratio FABBINDER, 7 ratio water). Wait at least 5-6 hours after applying FABBINDER. Non-plastered surfaces should be plastered with FABGIPS SINGLE ASTAR. On surfaces using black plaster or FABGIPS SINGLE ASTAR washed with FABBINDER, FABGIPS ASTAR (Plaster Plaster) and FABGIPS COVER (Satin Plaster) should be applied to the surface for best results. After making sure that the surface is completely dry, the surface should be cleaned by rubbing with a thin sumbata paper. Surfaces previously painted with emulsion should be sealed and parts that need to be repaired (bulging parts, cracks, etc.) should be repaired with FABGIPS products. After the surface to be applied is painted, one layer should be washed with a solution of FABBINDER (340) diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7 (1 ratio FABBINDER (340), 7 ratio water). Wait at least 5-6 hours after applying FABBINDER (340), It is recommended to apply 1 coat of MEGAASTAR (438) to get a better surface. If it is desired to use MEGASIL on synthetic painted surfaces on the inside, the surface should be sealed, cleaned of sumbata dust and 1 layer of FAB TRANSITION UNDER) should be applied. Then, MEGASIL is dissolved in 15-20% water and applied in the form of 2 coats DECOR EXPORT ROLL (1080), brush or spray. Wait at least 5-6 hours between layers. After applying the paint, the tools should be washed with water Wait at least 5-6 hours between layers. After applying the paint, the tools should be washed with water Wait at least 5-6 hours between layers. After applying the paint, the tools should be washed with water

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